Article of the Month - Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
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Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015: Page 130
Downloads: 119 | Views: 344 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Chemistry, Egypt, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 602 - 608Characterization of Porcelain Stoneware Tiles Based on Solid Ceramic Wastes
E. El-Fadaly
Downloads: 125 | Views: 360 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 609 - 613A Review Paper of Improving Task Division Assignment Using Heuristics
Shripadrao Biradar, Deepika Pawar
Downloads: 134 | Views: 343 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Education Management, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 614 - 633Towards Establishing World-Class Universities: A Conceptual Approach
Tabish SA, Nabil Syed
Downloads: 118 | Views: 265 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 634 - 636Orchestrating an Ensemble of MapReduce Workflow with Budget and Deadline constraints in Heterogeneous Clouds
Harsha Daryani
Downloads: 152 | Views: 402 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Mechanical Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 637 - 639Design and Fabrication of Pedal Operated Air Compressor
Vishal Gehlot, Abhinay Nigam, Kunal Marmat
Downloads: 127 | Views: 304 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 640 - 644Data confidentiality in Online Social Networks: A Survey
Vedashree K. Takalkar, P N.Mahalle
Downloads: 138 | Views: 343 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Psychology Science, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 645 - 650Development and Standardization of Scale to Assess the Satisfaction and Expectation of Older Adults in Old Age Homes
Shamsi Akbar, S.C.Tiwari, Rakesh Kumar Tripathi, Ambrish Kumar, Nisha Mani Pandey
Downloads: 4 | Views: 691 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
Mechanical Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 651 - 653Evaluation of Fatigue Failure of Crankshaft Work on its Bearing and Crank Pin Analytically and Numerically - A Review
Suryakant Rathod, Qaimi Mudassar
Downloads: 147 | Views: 363 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 654 - 658Mitigating Denial-of-Service and Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Using Server Hopping Model Using Distributed Firewall
Prajyoti P.Sabale, Anjali B. Raut
Downloads: 117 | Views: 285 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 659 - 662A Survey on k-Means: An Approach for Improved Web Site Structure
Pramod B. Dhamdhere, Saba Siraj