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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Popularity: 7 / 10
A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practices among Cardiac Nurses about Patient Safety after Cardiac Catheterization
Abhijeet Wankhede, Shivanand Biradar
Abstract: Background: Cardiac catheterization is an invasive procedure which is used in the diagnosis and treatment of several cardiac diseases. It may lead to several major and minor complications which may contribute to morbidity and mortality. Early recognition of complications and proper care is logically tied to taking action to receive prompt treatment and thus minimizing further complications. Objectives: (i) To assess the knowledge level of cardiac nurses related to patient safety after cardiac catheterization. (ii) To assess the practice of cardiac nurses related to patient safety after cardiac catheterization. Method: A survey was conducted in 30 convenient samples with a pre-validated questionnaire and an observational tool was also used in assessing the quality of care provided. The total period of the study was from September 2011 to November 2011. The study population was staff nurses from cardiology medical intensive care unit and cardiology medical ward. Result: The knowledge level is higher in staff nurses who has experience more than 5 years compared to those whose years of experience is less than 5 years. On comparing these two, a significant p value of 0.015 was attained. On observing the practices; quality of care is adequate Conclusion: The study showed that the knowledge level increases with years of experience.
Keywords: Cardiac catheterization, Cardiac nurse, Safety, Knowledge, Practice
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
Pages: 916 - 920
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