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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Decision-Making in Treatment of Mandibular Fracture - Case Report
Indra Pramana I.B.A
Abstract: Mandible is a part of maxillofacial skeleton that is the second most often fracture due to its position and prominent shape. The location and pattern of the fracture is determined by the mechanism of the injury and the direction of the trauma force vector. In addition, the age of the patient, the presence or absence of teeth, and the causes of trauma also have a direct effect on the characteristics of the fracture. A 26-year-old man complaints about pain and difficulty moving of his jaw after falling from motorcycle.3D head CT scan showed close fracture in the right-left alveolar mentalis of mandible classified as symphysis fracture. Initial treatment are stabilization of airway, breathing and circulation. Decision-making of fracture management is classified according to the location of malocclusion. As a symphysis fracture, the correct handling is Open Reduction And Internal Fixation (ORIF). The materials used in open repositioning are wire, wire mesh, titanium mini plate and screw. A post-surgical examination showed a good result without any complication.
Keywords: Mandibular Fracture Treatment ORIF Plastic Surgery
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,
Pages: 194 - 196
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