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Research Paper | Food Science | India | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Cultural Boundaries and Social Exclusion: A Study of Practices Related to Menstruation Among Women of Koota, Kathua
Jasbir Singh [2] | Dr. Archana Bhat [2]
Abstract: Menstruation is still a stigma in Indian culture especially in Hindu Brahmins. Menstruation profoundly changes a young womans life. It is now becoming increasingly recognised that the social and cultural significance of menstruation interacts with the physiological process to produce culturally determined norms and practices. The present research was done in village Koota, Hiranagar Tehsil, Jammu.100 Brahmin households were chosen randomly for the study and 87 women were selected for the study depending upon set inclusion criteria. Research study was done to asses knowledge, attitude and practices related to menstruation among sample women. A self made questionnaire was used to elicit the required information. It was observed that inspite of appropriate knowledge about health and hygiene related to menstruation, social taboos were still practiced in the households, leaving women irritated and excluded during those five days. There is need to create awareness about medical importance of menstruation among all age groups of women.
Keywords: Menstruation, Taboos, Practices, Awareness, Exclusion
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,
Pages: 142 - 146
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