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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015 | Rating: 7.1 / 10
Practice of Personal Protective Measures and Rate of Health Hazards Among Nursing Students- A Cross-Sectional Survey
Anila G Das
Abstract: Practice of personal protective measures is important in preventing transfer of micro organisms to patients as well as to the health professionals. Proper practice of personal protective measures starts from student period itself to prevent health hazards acquired from clinics in student period as well as in future professional life. This study reveals the Practice of personal protective measures and exposure to health hazards among nursing students. Objectives To assess the practice of personal protective measures among nursing students, to assess the rate of health hazards among nursing students and to find the association between practice of personal protective measures and rate of health hazards among nursing students. Methodology The research approach used in this study is Quantitative approach and the Design is Survey design. Sample includes the Nursing students in Sree Gokulam Nursing College, Venjaramoodu and sample size was 237. Sampling Technique was total enumeration. Tools include a questionnaire on socio personal variables, a Likert scale to assess practice of personal protective measures and a questionnaire on health hazards among nursing students. Data collection technique was self reporting. Results The study finding revealed that majority of the undergraduate nursing students have good practice of personal protective measures 49 %), 39 % of subjects have average practice and only 12 % subjects have poor practice.30 % of subjects were exposed to health hazards while 70 % of subjects were not exposed. There is no association between practice of personal protective measures and health hazards
Keywords: Personal protective measures, Nursing students
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015,
Pages: 1247 - 1251