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Dissertation Chapters | Anatomy and Histology | Pakistan | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
The Effects of Electromagnetic Radiations from Conventional and Advanced Mobile Phone on the Diameter of Malpighian Corpuscle and Glomeruli in the Mesonephros of Developing Chick Embryo
Dr. Sabah Rehman M.B.B.S., MPhil, Dr. Shadab Ahmed Butt M. Phil, PhD
Abstract: Objective The study was conducted to investigate the comparative histomorphogical effects of radiations from conventional and advanced mobile phone, on the developing kidney of chick embryo. Study Design Randomized Control Trial Duration of Study Army Medical College, NUST, Rawalpindi, 3months from May 2012 till July 2012. Material and Methods Fifty fertilized eggs of Fayoumi breed were selected and divided into five groups. Group I being control. Two groups II and IV were exposed to conventional mobile phone radiations and two groups III and V were exposed to advanced mobile phone radiations, for 15 and 30 minutes respectively. Results The results were statistically insignificant when all the groups were compared with each other. Conclusion The results showed that advanced and conventional mobile phone radiations did not show any differtiable effects on the diameters of glomeruli and malpighian corpuscle.
Keywords: Advanced Mobile Phone, Conventional Mobile Phone, Chick Embryo, Mesonephros, Malpigian corpuscle
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015,
Pages: 1508 - 1510