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Research Paper | Pediatrics | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Rating: 7.3 / 10
A Study to Assess the Parenting Styles and Academic Performance of School Children
Radhika. M, Rosna Joseph
Abstract: Parenting style is the overall emotional climate of the parent-child Relationship. The four parenting styles affect children in different ways. Finding the secret recipe to a perfect parenting style has proved to be a challenge -too great for humankind. In order to provide suitable support measures, it is crucial to investigate common impacts of various parenting typologies on childrens engagement and, ultimately, their academic performance in school. METHODOLOGY A descriptive- cross sectional study was undertaken to assess the parenting styles among parents of school children in selected village, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. The sample size was 60 mothers and school going children and the simple random technique was used for selection of subjects. . standard Parenting style questionnaire Based on Robinson was to assess the parenting style and academic performance was reviewed by records and categorized. Results The study shows that majority of mothers were (36.6 %) between 26-33 years of age and 19 (31.7 %) had primary education, and majority 26 (43.3 %) were housewives. Regarding parenting styles - 49 (81.7 %) mothers followed Authoritative style, 10 (16.6 %) followed Authoritarian style and 1 (1.7 %) followed Neglectful parenting style. Children of Authoritative parents have academic outcome than children in Authoritarian and Neglectful parents. Mothers Age, Family income, Occupation and number of children had significant association with the parenting styles. Conclusion Authoritative parenting have a positive impact on the Academic outcome of the children. Parenting, parenting style, academic performance, school children, parent-child relationship
Keywords: Parenting, parenting style, academic performance, school children, parent-child relationship
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 644 - 647