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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | Algeria | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Rating: 7 / 10
Analysis of Plane Two-Dimensional Structures by the Finite Element Method
Abstract: The discreet structures in the shape of rod or beam are an application of big importance in many sectors of the industry, as the spatial mechanical construction or robotics, aerodynamic, the civil genius. The technique of calculation of these structures knew during these last years a considerable development. The method of elements finished is nowadays a powerful tool, available to the reasonable costs, the time of modelling is reduced henceforth, as the hold in hand the use of the computer. to reach of calculations of these structures less expensive and faster, one to develop a program in PASCHAL language, that permits the determination of displacements, reactions in nudses, the axial strengths in elements and the clean fashions of the structure. Examples of verification have been made, under different loads and conditions to limits. The proposed structures have us permits to deepen our knowledge to the application of the method of elements finished in the static or dynamic discreet structure analysis. This developed program gives the best results of calculation compared to the software SAP 2000 and Robot 2009 software programs.
Keywords: Finite element, element plate, matrix of rigidity, thrust loads, nodal displacement, vibration mode
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015,
Pages: 1162 - 1168