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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Performance Improvement in the Analysis and Classification of Telugu Emotion Speech Signals Based on FFBNN
P. Vijai Bhaskar, Dr. S. Ramamohana Rao
Abstract: Speech processing is the study of speech signals, and the methods used to process them. In application such as speech coding, speech synthesis, speech recognition and speaker recognition technology, speech processing is employed. In speech classification, the computation of prosody effects from speech signals plays a major role. In emotional speech signals pitch and frequency is a most important parameters. Normally, the pitch value of sad and happy speech signals has a great difference and the frequency value of happy is higher than sad speech. But, in some cases the frequency of happy speech is nearly similar to sad speech or frequency of sad speech is similar to happy speech. In such situation, it is difficult to recognize the exact speech signal. To reduce such drawbacks, in this paper we propose a Telugu speech emotion classification system with three features and use neural network for the classification. Features are extracted with optimal window size from the speech signals and given to the FFBNN. The well trained FFBNN is tested with more number of speech signals with prosody effects. The implementation result shows the effectiveness of proposed speech emotion classification system in classifying the Telugu speech signals based on their prosody effects. The performance of the proposed speech emotion classification system is evaluated by change the window size while extracting the features.
Keywords: Emotion Classification, Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network FFBNN, K-NN classifier, Energy Entropy, Short Time Energy, Zero Crossing Rate
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014,
Pages: 2715 - 2719