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Research Paper | Neuroscience | India | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Rating: 7.3 / 10
Effects of Spirituality on Neural Pathway in the Brain
Abhijeet Satani, Param Barodia, Dhrumil Bhanderi
Abstract: This research delves into the profound impact of Sanskrit and Hindu mantras on the human brain, exploring neurological changes associated with the vocalization of Sanskrit. A multidisciplinary approach involves 108 pandits, two patients, and 12 volunteers participating in yagna rituals. This comprehensive study employs EEG measurements, psychological assessments, and qualitative observation to uncover the mantra?s cognitive imprints on the brain. The finding offers compelling evidence of brain activity among pandits, suggesting the mantra?s potential influence. The discussion highlights the mantra?s unique qualities and its role in shaping neuroplasticity, enhancing cognitive skills, and sharpening attention. In a broader context, this research contributes to an evolving base where spirituality converges with neuroscience. In conclusion, this study fills a gap in understanding the effect of mantras, shedding light on the profound connection between spiritual practices and human well-being. Future investigations in this domain hold the promise of further unravelling the relationship between faith and science.
Keywords: Electroencephalography (EEG), Default Mode Network (DMN), Brain Oscillation, Mental State and Functions, Neural Pathways, Neuroscience, Cognitive Function, Cognition and Healing, Spiritual Significance, Sanskrit Mantras, Neurobiological Effect
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024,
Pages: 1 - 5