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Research Paper | Toxicology Science | India | Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023 | Rating: 5.3 / 10
Cytotoxicity Assessment in HepG2 Cells in Response to Exposure of Heavy Metal Contaminated Water from Different Areas of Ahmedabad Especially Surrounding Industries: A Comparative Study
Bhavini Vaghela, Dr. Hiren Patel, Brijesh Gelat, Binita Patel T, Dr. Prabodha Swain, Dr. Rakesh Raval, Dr. Kaid Johar
Abstract: Heavy metal pollution is a concern for environment that is getting worse posing a lot of concern for its negative impacts on health. Expanding agriculture and metal industries release industrial waste contaminated with inorganic pollutants in our rivers, soils, and environment. In this investigation, a detailed study was undertaken to assess the extent of heavy metal pollution in the native wastewater samples that were collected in and around Ahmedabad in October and November 2019 and the effect of such pollutants on cytotoxicity were assessed. Location of sample collection includes, among other things, industrial wastewater disposal facilities, canals, rivers, and lakes. MTT studies were conducted to monitor concentrations dependent heavy metals in HepG2 cells. The qPCR was used to confirm the genotoxicity of the selected samples for further validation of cytotoxic potentials. Many pollutants (14 out of 19 samples) produced cytotoxic effects in the study. All sample locations revealed a highly noticeable, dose-dependent effect on cell viability, with industrial effluents and dumping canal water demonstrated the highest toxicity. While samples collected from rivers and lakes near to the residential areas were less genotoxic, whereas samples collected near to the industrial areas were more genotoxic. The results demonstrated that a combination of tests using HepG2 cells and mammalian cell assays (MTT and qPCR) were suitable enough in determining the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of native wastewater and surface water samples. Current work provide the evidence that a battery of toxicity bioassays are beneficial for the monitoring and evaluation of the toxicity potential of complex wastewaters before discharging into the environment.
Keywords: Ahmedabad, Water Samples, Heavy Metal Contamination, MTT, Genotoxicity, Cytotoxicity
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023,
Pages: 938 - 951