International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Comparative Studies | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Rating: 4.6 / 10

Treadmill Training Verses Circuit Training to Improve Gait in Chronic Stroke Patients - A Comparative Study

V. Lakshmi Sravika, Dr. K Madhavi, Dr. K. Indira Pavani, Dr. K. Rameshwar, Dr. E. Udayamala, Dr. Guduri Tejaswini

Abstract: Stroke or Cerebro vascular accident is a sudden loss of neurological functions. Gait and Balance impairments occur in patients with stroke. These are often associated with poorer recovery of functions after the stroke. Gait is often altered. Most Early physiotherapy for gait training after stroke has shown general effectiveness in ambulation. It might be challenging for the stroke survivors to participate in their roles in work, home and community. The person becomes sedentary and physically inactive. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of Treadmill training and Circuit training to improve Gait in 30 chronic stroke patients who are assigned into 2 groups by random allocation Group - A (Treadmill Training) consisting of 15 patients. Group - B (Circuit Training) consists of 15 patients. Prior to the starting of the intervention program pre assessment was done by using outcome measures BBS, 6 MWT, TUG and 10 MWT for both the groups. For both the groups interventions were given for 4 days for 4 weeks with Treadmill & Circuit training treatment for 60 minutes to the respective group patients. To compare within the group between pre and post intervention, paired t - tests were performed. And an independent t - test was used for comparing differences between the groups. Statistical analysis of the data showed both Groups A and B showed significant difference from pre to post intervention. Therefore, this study provides that Circuit Training is more effective in improving gait for chronic stroke patients.

Keywords: Chronic Stroke, GAIT, Circuit Training, Treadmill Training, Berg Balance scale, 6 - minute walk test, 10 - Meter walk test, Time Up & Go.

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023,

Pages: 608 - 612

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