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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022 | Rating: 5.7 / 10
JARVIS - AI Voice Assistant
Rajat Sharma, Adweteeya Dwivedi
Abstract: JARVIS, a virtual embedded voice assistant that includes cutting-edge technology based on gTTS and Python in developing a personalized assistant. JARVIS integrates the functionality of AIML and, together with Google, the industry leader, a text-to-speech platform and thus male/female voices into the gTTS libraries powered by the Marvel world. This is often the result of adopting the dynamic base Pyttsx Pythons considered wise in contiguous phases of gTTS, facilitating the establishment of essentially fine-tuned dialogues between assistants management and users. It will help end users in their daily activities like general human speech, query search in Google, Bing or Yahoo, video search, image retrieval, live weather, word meaning, predict and remind users of scheduled events and tasks. This is often the sole result of over-contributing by multiple contributors, such as AIML's usability and ability to dynamically merge with platforms like Python [pyttsx] and gTTS [Google Text to Speech] ] results in the same JARVIS standard structure showing general reusability and almost zero or no maintainability.
Keywords: Voice Assistant, NLP, Neural Network, Google Search
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022,
Pages: 386 - 393