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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022 | Rating: 5.1 / 10
Adaptive Behavior of Bajo Tribe Communities in Indonesia
Masmur, Nasruddin Suyuti, Samdin, Nurwati
Abstract: This research aims to analyze and reveal the adaptive behavior of the Bajo tribal community in developing human resources. The research method was be designed by a qualitative approach which the research site was in Lawata village, North Kolaka of Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia. The data used were the results of open interviews with specified informants and analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. The results showed that adaptive behavior was the behavior of healthy individuals in accordance with the demands of the situation and the form of response given. Adaptive behavior, was often used by the Bajo community, was social competence, social development, adaptive capacity and adaptive fitting. Adaptive behavior showed one's self and social maturity in carrying out general daily activities according to age and related to the culture of the group. The Bajo community seeks to improve human resources with development strategies through training. The training aims to develop the Bajo community in the form of improving skills, knowledge and attitudes. Human resource development through education aims to improve work skills in fishing in the ocean.
Keywords: Adaptive Behavior, Human Resource, Bajo Tribe
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022,
Pages: 915 - 921