Rate the Article: Sidereal Day without Polar Star "A Complete Solution with an Otherwise Explanation", IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022 | Rating: 4.6 / 10

Sidereal Day without Polar Star "A Complete Solution with an Otherwise Explanation"

Alok Prasad Srivastava

Abstract: We are familiar that Earth make rotation about its axis of rotation in 24 hours, but as per microscopic observation Earth completes its rotation cycle just in 23hrs 56 minutes 04seconds.The periodic time for rotation of earth 24 hours is known as mean solar day but periodic time for rotation cycle of earth 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds is known as the sidereal day. However it is a one of the oldest astronomical observation of astronomy, but still till date is not defined. The exact cause behind occurrence of minute difference between mean solar day and sidereal day is still unknown. However some definitions are available in textbook and some online site of astronomy but these definitions are totally based on considering a solar star, which seems very impractical for understand and study this observation for a common student of this subject, and due to this reason it is also called an astronomical puzzle. Because our earth is a integral part of our solar system and occurrence of any kind of discrimination in rotational period of earth should be anyway related with the sun only, not due to existence of any another star in galaxy. Therefore this research paper is written with considering only our Earth and it?s any characteristic feature responsible for any discrimination, Sun, and its family. As it is clear from its title, a very peculiar effort has been taken to explain the sidereal day without considering any polar star. As per a very newly introduced assumption regarding orbital period of earth, taken from a published research paper in ?International Journal Of Science And Research? and on the basis of this assumption, explanation of sidereal day is done. As per the introduced assumption in that research paper the orbital period of earth is 32.375 years, Earth make an oscillation and an another rotation in 365. 2422 days about its axis of rotation which always comply with the shifting tangent of sloping path of revolution. On the basis of this assumption a rotating spherical body on a sloping path of revolution can never completes its rotation cycle having ?360?^0. For each and every rotation, the angle of rotation will be less than ?360?^0 and angle of rotation cycle will be reduce according to angular displacement of spherical body for one rotation on its sloping path of revolution. This way a very accurate calculation is done to explain the sidereal day, and finally a very simple and applicable definition is introduced in equation form, so that its numerical value could be determine easily by anyone.

Keywords: Sidereal day, polar star

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022,

Pages: 1419 - 1423

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