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Masters Thesis | Mathematics | Philippines | Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
The Effect of 3C's on Students' Interest and Problem Solving Skills in Mathematics
Edmund Emetrio A. Gumaling, Charita A. Luna, Rosie G. Tan
Abstract: The study determined the effect of 3C's (Contextualization, Communication, and Connection) on the Grade-11 students' interest and problem solving skills in General Mathematics of Sankanan National High School. It employed a pretest-posttest-quasi-experimental control group design, using a 20-item teacher-made problem solving questions to assess student's achievement with a reliability index of 0.72 and Mathematics interest inventory with a reliability index of 0.86 to assess the students' Mathematics interest. The school has three sections of Grade-11, so one section was assigned randomly as the control group taught using 7E instructional model and another section as the experimental group taught using 3C's. The one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyze the data collected. Results of the analysis revealed that the participants of the 3C's method have significant effect in the increase of their Mathematics interest and achievement compared to those participants in the 7E's. Hence, the researchers concluded that the use of 3C's as a teaching method is effective in enhancing students' Mathematics interest and problem solving skills and is recommended to be used in the Department of Education for students' better achievement, communication, and thinking skills for global competitiveness.
Keywords: Contextualization, Communication, Connection, Problem solving skill, Mathematics interest
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023,
Pages: 11 - 14