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Research Paper | Physical Education | India | Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021 | Rating: 5.9 / 10
Comparison of Attitude towards Physical Education between Male and High School Female Subject Teachers
Subrahmanya B G
Abstract: Attitude was described as an emotional tendency towards objects and ideas. Attitude is the willingness to react to or in front of certain situations, people or things in a certain way with a certain intensity. Attitude is the degree of positive effect associated with a psychological object. The teacher's attitude towards the teaching profession must be good. Ellen has been the director of the Santa Cruz Consortium for the past two years. The New Teacher's Project was a report of the new teachers to know their attitudes towards teaching and it was divided into four different phases. Teachers' attitudes have also been found to be influenced by gender. Teaching is perceived by people as a difficult task. There are many reasons for this perception. It can be said that teachers face various difficulties when they start teaching. Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate attitude of other subject teachers towards physical education at high school level of Malnad region. The study further compared attitude of Male and Female subject teachers towards physical education. Procedure: For the purpose of this study eighty - five subject teachers working in various High Schools of Malnad region were selected. Purposive sampling was employed to gather information on attitude towards physical education from subject teachers working in various High Schools of Malnad region. Male (N=34) and female (N=51) subject teachers working in various High Schools of Malnad region were included in the study. Their age ranged between 25 - 55 years. These subject teachers working during the year 2019 - 20 in various High Schools of Malnad region were the subjects for the present study. Statistical techniques: Descriptive statistics like Mean and Standard Deviation were employed and results on mobile phone addiction was obtained. Further, for understanding the differences in stress between male and female subjects ?t? test was employed.
Keywords: Physical Education, Attitude, Psychology, Motivation, Active Lifestyle
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021,
Pages: 7 - 9