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Review Papers | Ayurveda | India | Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021 | Rating: 4.6 / 10
A Review on Importance of Lifestyle and Diet in Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus w. s. r. to "PRAMEHA"
Dr. Bharti Dadlani, Dr. Ranjit Narang
Abstract: Ayurveda science establishes balance amongst body, mind and soul. It has holistic approach for long and healthy life, specially its fundamentals of Diet and lifestyle help to promote general health and treat lifestyle disorders. At the present scenario Diabetes mellitus is the concern for every next person due to sedentary lifestyle. India is the 2nd country with maximum number of diabetic patients, with an estimated prevalence of around 10%. Only 5.9% of the study population go for routine glycaemic check - up. Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic syndrome characterized by involvement of multiple body systems. It is caused due to inadequate production of insulin, or inadequate sensitivity of cells to the action of insulin. In the condition of inadequate sensitivity of insulin, food and lifestyle changes can play a vital role to regulate it and managing BSL levels. This article is written with the aim to bring notice the Ayurveda regimen from the classical text to prevent the type 2 DM with the lifestyle modifications and diet changes in day to day life. The characteristic features of DM have close resemblance with different varieties of a disease named as Prameha. In all Ayurveda texts, causes of Prameha are more and more related to diet and lifestyle. Hence adopting this healthy changes can be important for prevention as well as management.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Prameha, Ahara. Lifestyle, Ayurveda
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021,
Pages: 106 - 107