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Research Paper | Social Science | Hong Kong | Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
The Role of Personal Worries and Trust in Authorities in Explaining Risk Perception among Students from the University
Zeyu Cao
Abstract: This article aims to analyze the role of personal worries and trust in authorities in risk perception among young people in Hong Kong by quantitative data. According to the frequency analysis, all variables in the present study have shown a standard normal distribution curve. Factor analysis was applied to test the internal consistency, detect the reliability, and establish the structural validation of the measures. Based on correlation analysis, linear regression analysis and logistic regression analysis, five hypotheses are correct: (1) the more personal worries students have, the higher level of risk perception they perceive; (2)the amount of student? personal worries negatively associate with their trust in authorities; (3)student who distrust in authorities tends to have higher level of risk perception; (4)student? distrust in authorities will mediate the effects of their personal worries on their risk; (5) there is a positive and reciprocal effect between students' fear and risk perception. And three hypotheses are wrong: (1) the amount of student's personal words positively correlated with their distrust in authorities; (2) student who trust in authorities tens to have lower level of risk perception perceived governmental controllability, the lower amount of risk will be perceived by students; (3)the higher level of students? perceived governmental controllability, the lower amount of risk will be perceived by students. The present study may serve as a pilot study, and the findings may potentially provide some insights for policymakers and government staffs in order to better understand the mechanism of risk perception and create an atmosphere of safety.
Keywords: personal worries, risk perception, trust in authorities
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020,
Pages: 593 - 601