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Research Paper | Urban and Regional Planning | Nepal | Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020 | Rating: 7.3 / 10
Provincial Status of Economic Activities in Nepal
Gopal Khadka
Abstract: Economic activities create multiplier effects on all dimensions of human society. To assess the status of economic activities of Nepal at provincial level and to identify prospects of the dispersion of economic activities at provincial level, this article is prepared as the title provincial status of economic activities in Nepal. It is mainly based on the secondary data of Nepal Economic Census-2018. Information regarding objectives was collected through various search engines by simple literature review. The status of economic activities is found unequal at provincial level in Nepal. Among eighteen groups of economic activities, Bagmati province is in top-most position followed by province-1 and province-5. Financial sustainability is the common concern in Nepal due to the costly federal system. Unscientific division of provinces, inequitable distribution of resources, miserable condition of infrastructure, ineffective tax policy creates complex problems even to operate economic activities in a proper and effective manner. Without balanced development of economic activities and economic prosperity, federalism mayn't be sustained. Different economic measures supporting to disperse the economic activities from central to federal and local areas such as economic policy, Budget, Fiscal policy, subsidiary policy, tax policy should be prepared and implemented without any delay. To meet national commitment Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali and to fulfill the target of sustainable development goals, it is essential to perform effective joint efforts of all concerned authorities as soon as possible with the visionary and coordinating leadership of the federal government.
Keywords: economic activities, province, balanced development, dispersion, federalism
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020,
Pages: 1434 - 1441