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Research Paper | History | Ukraine | Volume 9 Issue 3, March 2020 | Rating: 7.1 / 10
Construction of the Moscow-Simferopol Highway through the Territory Of Ukraine as a Factor of Integration of the Crimea into the Economic Complex of the Ukrssr (1948-1949)
Satskyi Pavlo
Abstract: The problem of the USSR government’s socioeconomic and political motivation with respect to transferring the Crimea from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR became especially urgent in 1954. Moreover, that issue was urgent not only for political reasons but also from the viewpoint of development logic and work out and application of socioeconomic development methods. After the end of World War II, the USSR Five-Year Socioeconomic Development Plan (1946 to 1950) was adopted in 1946. Ensuring the agricultural development and solving the food problem in the country were key components of that plan. The next priority matter was the energy base development to be focused on the regions that had prospects for industrial development. In that context, the southern Ukrainian regions were highly promising. The southern Ukrainian areas and the Crimea had a very favorable climate for agricultural development; however, material risks in that region were due to low humidity and frequent droughts. Therefore, the first five-year plan after the war end included construction of the irrigation system in the southern Ukrainian areas and electrification of agriculture. However, economic development of those regions could not be rapid as planned because of low number and density of population. In addition, the problem of logistical development to provide conditions for intensified economic development of the southern Ukrainian areas and the Crimes became obvious. The problem of sparse population and logistical system development needs of the region were interrelated. In the period after the end of World War II, construction processes were mechanized poorly, and mainly low-cost and unskilled labor was used. Meanwhile, collective farms provided reliable concentration and possibilities for rapid mobilization of the workforce. Therefore, the combination of the programs of providing population growth conditions in the Ukraine’s southern regions and the Crimea and bui
Keywords: Moscow-Simferopol highway, economic development, Crimean region, Kherson region, logistics system
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 3, March 2020,
Pages: 239 - 245