Rate the Article: A GIS Based Assessment of Selected Sites of Kota Barrage of Rajasthan with Special Reference to Water Quality Parameters, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Case Studies | Chemistry | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

A GIS Based Assessment of Selected Sites of Kota Barrage of Rajasthan with Special Reference to Water Quality Parameters

Dr. Kiran Choudhary, Dr. Krishnendra Singh Nama

Abstract: Present study revealed the physico-chemical characteristics of water quality in one sampling site at upstream and three sampling stations at downstream of Kota Barrage in different months of the year 2014-2015. pH fluctuates between 7.1 to 8.5 during the study period at all the sampling sites. Maximum value (225.40 mg/l) of alkalinity was observed during the month of February at Site III and minimum value (86.00 mg/l) was recorded in the month of July at Site I. The total hardness values ranged between 110.00 mg/l (upstream) to 220.00 mg/l (downstream). Highest value (105.00 mg/l) of calcium was observed at Site III (ds) and minimum (60.00 mg/l) values were recorded at Site I (us). Magnesium values ranged from a minimum of 30.00 mg/l at Site IV to a maximum of 75.00 mg/l at Site I in the month of May. Chloride is considered as pollution indicator when present in higher concentrations. Maximum value was recorded 100.00 mg/L at Site III and minimum value was observed 50.00 mg/l at Site I. Sulphate values ranged from a minimum of 20.00 mg/l at Site II in the month of July to a maximum of 70.50 mg/l at Site III in the month of May. Concentration of nitrates varied from 10.00 mg/l to 34.00 mg/l. TDS ranged between 320.00 mg/l to 640.00 mg/l. COD values were found to vary between 35.00 mg/l (upstream) to 91.50 mg/l (downstream). Maximum BOD value (4.0 mg/l) was recorded at site III and it was minimum (1.5 mg/l) at site I. Maximum value (6.7 mg/l) of DO was recorded at Site I during the month of October and minimum (2.7 mg/l) at Site I in the month of September. These results indicate that water of downstram is more polluted in summer months as compared to water of upstream sites.

Keywords: Physico-chemicals, upstream, downstream, pollution, indicator

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,

Pages: 28 - 32

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