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Research Paper | Engineering Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Development of Software for Designing of Heat Exchanger
Harijan Anil Kumar, Bagwe Nilesh, Goud Vijay Kumar, Karlag Vishal
Abstract: Traditional design approaches are based on iterative procedures which assume a configuration and gradually change design parameters until a satisfactory solution is reached which meets the design specifications. However, such methods are time consuming. Hence software is built to make calculations easy. The diameter of tube, length of tube, diameter of shell is standardized and these are available only in certain sizes and shapes. They affect the overall heat transfer when the size and shape is changes. The main objective of this paper is to develop software and design a model on it. After designing a model for a given heat duty, study of effect of shell diameter, tube diameter, tube length and number of passes on two parameters first is tube side velocity and second is overall heat transfer are studied. The parameter which gives maximum heat transfer that has been selected for better optimization of shell and tube heat exchanger. For designing software a most resent version of Visual Basic called Visual Basic NET (VB. NET) is used because of its numerous advantages over the other software programs. The computer aided design software was equally used to test other problems on shell and tube heat exchanger. Using the software graphs and results carried out.
Keywords: shell and tube heat exchanger, Visual Basic NET, overall heat transfer, tube side velocity
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016,
Pages: 1117 - 1121