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Research Paper | Orthopedic | India | Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2021 | Rating: 4.7 / 10
Functional Outcome of Extended Curettage and Reconstruction for Giant Cell Tumor around Knee
Nandlal Bharwani, Nirottam Singh, Shubham Agarwal, Dr. Hemant Jain, Dr. Kishore Raichandani, Dr. Medhavi Saxena
Abstract: Background: GCT Bone is the commonest benign bone tumor with female predominance and commonly seen around knee joint. Treatment of GCT can be done by curettage with reconstruction or wide resection. The aim of this study is to see functional outcome of extended curettage and reconstruction with bone cement or sandwich technique along with internal fixation. Method: A total of 9 females and 6 males aged between 20-50 years managed with extended curettage and reconstruction with bone cement(6) or sandwich technique(9). Along with internal fixation in all patients except two patients (small lesion less than 5cm2) between January 2015 to December 2020 were taken. Extended curettage was done with the help of 5% phenol and high speed burr. Functional outcome was evaluated using Musculoskeletal tumor society score (MSTS). Results: The mean follow up period was 20.13 months (range 12-48 months). The mean MSTS score at final follow up was 25.27 out of 30. Age, sex did not have much effect on functional outcome of patients, whereas grade of tumor and technique had significant effect on functional outcome. In our study, two patients had superficial infection, four patients had restricted ROM, one patient had varus collapse and one patient had recurrence out of 15 patients. Conclusion: Extended intralesional curettage and reconstruction with bone cement or sandwich technique along with internal fixation had good functional outcome. Age, sex had no effect on functional outcome of patients, whereas grade of tumor, technique had effect on functional outcome in our study. A long duration of follow-up and large group of patients is required to comment on recurrence rates.
Keywords: giant cell tumor, extended curettage, sandwich technique, msts, functional outcome
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2021,
Pages: 539 - 543