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Case Studies | Medical Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
A Case of Multiple Urolithiasis Treated with Hydrangea Arborescens
Dr. Abha Agrawal
Abstract: Urolithias is present as an important and challenging clinical problem. Small stones (less than 3 mm. ) may pass spontaneously, but a large stone (5 to 10 mm) the rate of spontaneous stone passage is less. Renal colic, haematuria, painful urination even decreased kidney function occurs due to this problem. A 45 year male, diagnosed case of B/L renal calculi of size 6-8 mm three calculi seen in right kidney, 8mm & 10 mm 2 calculi seen in left kidney and 11mm in calculus seen in right upper ureter. Case taking was done well selected homoeopathic medicine hydrangea arborescens was given. This case shows the effect of Homoeopathic treatment in cases of urolithiasis.
Keywords: Urolithiasis, Homoeopathy, Clinical picture, Hydrangea Arborescens
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019,
Pages: 310 - 313