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Research Paper | Information Technology | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019 | Rating: 7 / 10
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Intention to Use of the Application of Pt. Xyz In Jakarta
Rayan Nurbadi, Ir. Togar Alam Napitupulu, Brolyn Pratama, Arinda Amyus
Abstract: In the recent years, there have been many of startup companies established in Indonesia. One of them is in the E-commerce field. PT. XYZ as B2C E-commerce which established in 2015 is one of them. Even though PT. XYZ growth rapidly, but the total users of PT. XYZ is much lower than any E-commerce competitors in Indonesia. So there is a need to identify the factors affecting the intention to use of application of PT. XYZ. This study based on combination model of UTAUT model and Delone & Mclean IS Success Model. The results of the data analysis support the model as there are 4 of 6 proposed hypotheses have significant effect.
Keywords: E-commerce, PT XYZ, UTAUT, Delone & Mclean IS Success Model, Intention to Use of application of PT XYZ
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019,
Pages: 446 - 454