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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
The Study of the Effect of Antenatal Corticosteroids on Requirement of Surfactant and Ventilator in Preterm Neonates
Dr. Smitha.K, Dr. G. Nita
Abstract: Background: Preterm birth is defined as live births occurring before 37 completed weeks of gestation.1 Preterm birth is a significant cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Nearly one half of all cases of congenital neurological disability, including cerebral palsy are a consequence of prematurity. Aim: a) To study the effect of antenatal corticosteroids on preterm neonates, b) Need for surfactant, c) Need for ventilator. Materials and methods: It’s a prospective study conducted in the Department of OBG, KIMS Hospital and Research Center, Bangalore, Karnataka.200 patients with preterm labour were selected for the study.136 patients had received antenatal corticosteroids.64 patients couldn’t receive antenatal corticosteroids as the patients had presented with active labour from September 2018 to August 2019. Group 1 – did not receive antenatal corticosteroids Group 2 – received antenatal corticosteroids Results: In group 1 requirement of surfactant and ventilator was 40.6 % and 71.9 % respectively whereas in group 2 requirement of surfactant and ventilator was 22.1 % and 41.2 % respectively. All these observations were statistically significant. Conclusion: Antenatal corticosteroid administration significantly reduces the requirement of surfactant and ventilator in preterm neonates. Every effort should be made to initiate antenatal corticosteroid therapy in women between 28 and 36weeks+6 days as soon as preterm delivery appears likely.
Keywords: antenatal corticosteroids, Preterm neonates, Surfactant
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 509 - 511