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Research Paper | Chemical Sciences | India | Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Determination of Assay and Related Substances from Anhydrous Citric Acid and Citric Acid Monohydrate by Ion Chromatography
Dr. Chetan Chavan, Chanakya Thaker, Chetan Chaudhari, Jyotsna Soneji
Abstract: An accurate, simple, reproducible, and sensitive method for the estimation of citrate assay and its related substances in anhydrous citric acid and citric acid monohydrate was validated. Citrate, sulfate and oxalate ions were separated using ion chromatography technique using gradient elution with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The linearlity of method has been tested in the range of 5.0mg/L to 50mg/L of citrate, 1.0mg/L to 20.0mg/L of sulfate and 20.0mg/L to 20.0mg/L of oxalate and correlation cofficient (R2) was >0.999 for citrate, sulfate and oxalate. The method was shown excellent reproducible, linear, specific, sensitivity, rugged. The Limits of Detection and Quantification have been also established for citrate as 20g/L & 71g/L, for oxalate as 10g/L & 23mg/L and for sulfate as 8g/L & 20g/L respectively. Hence, the validated method is easy to adapt for regular analysis.
Keywords: Citric acid, citric acid monohydrate, citrate, sulfate, oxalate, suppressed conductivity, Ion Chromatography
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019,
Pages: 1682 - 1686