International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Case Studies | Medicine and Dentistry | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019 | Rating: 6.6 / 10

Submental Abscess that Extend to Bilateral Submandibular Region after Treatment of Symphysis Mandible Fracture: A Case Report

Annisya Muharty | Endang Sjamsudin [22] | Winarno Priyanto [5]

Abstract: Background: Abscess is an acute localized infection with inflammation, swelling, tenderness on palpation or local tissue damage and can occur at any age. One of the orofacial abscess rare causes is open mandibular fracture or infected trauma. Objectives: To evaluate the management of post treatment mandibular fractures in preventing infection or abscess and to describe the pathophysiology of a traumatic abscess Case Report and Management: A 21 year old male patient came with swelling in the lower jaw with difficulty in swallowing. A month before admission, the patient had an accident and symphysis of mandible was fractured. In emergency room, he received interdental wiring treatment, but due to poor oral hygiene which caused by uncooperative behavior in maintaining oral hygiene, the fracture became infected and an abscess occured. The abscess was surgical drained extraorally and mounted with through and through penrose drain at submental and bilateral submandible region. Conclusion: Trauma of mandible fracture is a rare cause of an abscess in the orofacial region. The situation becomes worse if the area of the mandibular fractures is infected. Post-traumatic care is required to prevent the occurrence of the abscess. Pathophysiology of the case is described in a short discussion on the pathophysiology of abscess due to infected mandibular fracture.

Keywords: mandibular fracture, infection, pathophysiology, post-traumatic care

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019,

Pages: 476 - 478

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