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Research Paper | Ecology | Egypt | Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Monitoring and Assessment of hydrochemistry Properties of Groundwater, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt
Maie I. El-Gammal, Mahmoud S. Ibrahim, Mohamed A. Okbah, Salah A. M. Abokhder
Abstract: The present study is an attempt to evaluate the hydrochemistrygroundwater properties ofMenoufia Governorate. A total of 40 groundwater samples were collected for the period of one year (January, April, July and October, 2017) from different Cities (Tala, Birket El Sab, El Shohada, Quesna, Shibin El Kom, Menouf, El Bagour, Sers El Lyan, Ashmoun, and Sadat City). Total depth of aquifers varied from 17 to 35 m. In this study, the concentration of major ions has been investigated in terms of temporal and spatial variations. The range and annual average values of Physicochemical parameters were0.29-10.31 (3.031.66) for turbidity in NTU; 221-1048 (612114) for conductivity (EC) in S/cm, 147-699 (413.076.0) mgl-1for total dissolved salts; 7.31-7.98 for pH, 100-437 (22143) mgl-1for total alkalinity and 146-220 (180.022.1) mgl-1 for total hardness. The concentration of major cations (range and average values in mgl-1) were in the following order: Na+ (34.6-108.0, 61.912.94) > Ca2+ (32.3-52.5, 39.73.4) >Mg2+ (14.8-23.4, 19.81.5) >K+ (0.30-1.80, 0.850.31). The range and annual mean concentration (mgl-1) of the major anions were arrangedas the following order: HCO3- (95.18-429.5, 211.8 42.9) >SO4-- (51.3-138, 82.315.3) > Cl- (27.0-83.7, 50.39.3) >CO3-- (2.4-26.4, 9.824.0). Calcium is thedominant cation, while Bicarbonate dominates the anionic components of the groundwater. Piper diagram used to illustrate the relative concentrations of the major ions and to identify the water types of the groundwater in the study area, Ca-SO4 (calcium sulfate) was presented. Most of the groundwater samples of Menoufia Governorate revealed molar ration of Mg/Ca more than 0.5 and less than1.0, these may be indicated the equilibrium of water with both calcite and dolomite.
Keywords: Groundwater, hydrochemistry, Menoufia Governorate, piper diagrams
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019,
Pages: 383 - 391