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Review Papers | Dental Science | India | Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
Osteo-Odonto-Kerato-Prosthesis - A Review
Dr. Balamurugan.R
Abstract: Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis is a multidisciplinary approach to restore vision for the patients with corneal blindness. The window of the soul is our eye and the window of the eye is cornea. This involves removing a canine tooth from the patient, shaping and drilling to allow implantation of an artificial plastic corneal device and finally implanting back into the eye few months later. This transplantation procedure has an autologous dental root-bone lamina complex and buccal mucosal graft to secure the optical cylinder which acts as a ray of vision for corneal blindness. This paper on review intends to present with indications, contraindications, and patient assessment and the surgical procedure, complications, and future scope of OOKP.
Keywords: corneal blindness, tooth for eye, optical cylinder
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018,
Pages: 75 - 78