International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Physics Science | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

The Scientific Revolution in the Development of Atomic Physics: Is it Continuous or Discontinuous?

Agus Kurniawan, Harry Firman

Abstract: The paradigm shift is a term to describe fundamental changes in assumptions, theories, and methods in the old paradigm frame to assumptions, theories and methods in the new paradigm frame. Fundamental changes are revolutionary, in which the old paradigm is partially or completely replaced by a new paradigm that is contradictory, because of anomalous scientific facts (anomalies) with the fact or science theory that has existed previously known as the process of scientific revolution. Thomas Kuhn & #039, s Science Revolution is essential to understand in studying philosophy of science. An example of a scientific revolution can be seen in the field of physics concerning the atomic concept which was initially defined only on the view of micro scale, since the ideas proposed by Greek philosophers were based only on thought things they could not see, but they believe in its existence in this universe. Whether it is believed by the supporters of Democritus who believe the material is discontinuous or is believed by a group of supporters of Aristotle who believe that the material is continuous. The development became & #039, normal science & #039, after Dalton conceptualized again based on empirical studies that directly confirmed that the atom is the smallest part of the indivisible matter (matter is discontinuous). But then, in time the Dalton atomic theory was killed after finding anomalies related to electricity and radioactivity. Dalton & #039, s paradigm shifts to the paradigm of the Thompson atom model, Rutherford & #039, s atomic model, Bohr & #039, s atomic model, the atomic theory of wave mechanics up to the latest atomic model that & #039, as if & #039, matter can be divided continuously in accordance with the development of science and technology of its time (matter is continuous)

Keywords: Paradigm shift, the scientific revolution, atomic physics

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018,

Pages: 1011 - 1016

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