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Research Paper | Geology | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Well Log Application for Determined CBM Resources of Sajau Formation, Berau Basin, Indonesia
A. Helman Hamdani, J. Hutabarat
Abstract: The coal reservoir quality for the CBM production such as coal thickness, gas contents, coal porosity and permeability, reservoir pressure and critical reservoir are generally influence the CBM production. Among of them the porosity and permeability of coal are the main factors controlling the potential of the coal seams for the CBM reservoir. The wire line logs have been used to identify the petrophysical of Sajau Coal Formation in Tanah Kuning, Mangkupasi and Kasau area, Berau Basin to assess the potential of coal bed methane (CBM) reservoir in the field. The coal seam permeability data for 13 major coal seams, The estimation of seam permeability values ranging 5.03 md to 25.06 md. The gas contents were different between seams which have ranges of 11.32 32.36 cc/g. Based othe CBM reservoir parameters and the gas contents, the Sajau coal has a good for CBM development.
Keywords: Sajau coal Formation, Berau basin, wire lne log, CBM, permeability
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1585 - 1588