Rate the Article: Impact of Institution's Infrastructural Facilities on Academic Attainments and Placements of Management Graduates?A Diagnostic Study, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017 | Rating: 6.6 / 10

Impact of Institution's Infrastructural Facilities on Academic Attainments and Placements of Management Graduates?A Diagnostic Study

Vaishali Singh, Ravindra Kumar

Abstract: Findings of the number of research studies carried out by the Indian and foreign scholars about the impact of infrastructural facilities available in an institution on the academic attainments on its students present a mixed bag. While AICTE places added emphasis on availability of necessary physical infrastructural facilities in technical education institutions including the B-Schools for effective delivery of teaching-learning processes, it is ample evident that due to certain obvious reasons, many B-Schools seriously lack even the bare minimum physical infrastructural facilities thus adversely impacting the educational attainments and subsequently the placements of their students. The present study aimed to assess the impact of infrastructural facilities on the academic attainments and placements of management graduates of selected B-Schools of Bangalore metropolis. An analysis of the primary and secondary research data captured reveals that there is a positive correlation between these variables and thus the findings strongly supports the necessity of having all the prescribed physical infrastructural facilities on the campuses of the B-Schools in place for more effective and efficient delivery of knowledge, which is a pre-requisite in our knowledge-based economy. Further, the study has suggested measures for optimal utilization of the available facilities for the larger good of the society.

Keywords: Infrastructural facilities, Norms and standards, AICTE, B-Schools, Academic attainments and placements

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017,

Pages: 1385 - 1390

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