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Research Paper | Management | Rwanda | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017 | Rating: 7.2 / 10
Effect of Project Planning Tools on Project Performance: A Case of Early Childhood Development Project in Rwanda
John Rubangura, Paul Kariuki
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of project planning tools and techniques on project performance in Rwanda using the case of Early Childhood Development Project. Specific objectives for the study included, to determine the effect of Work Breakdown Structure on the performance of the ECD project, to evaluate the effect of Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) on the performance of the ECD project and to assess the effect of the Project Evaluation and Review Technique on performance of ECD project. The study was conducted at the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion in Kigali, Rwanda. It adopted a descriptive research design. A total of 128 project staff members formed the target population. The study population was drawn from, senior managers, middle level managers, field officers and project committee members. Sample size of 97 samples was determined using Slovins formula. Stratified random sampling technique was used to obtain samples. The study used questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. Descriptive statistics was generated through descriptive analysis to obtain frequencies and percentage of study variables. Inferential statistics was done through Pearson correlation and regression analysis to determine the relationship between project planning tools and techniques and project performance. Statistical Package for Social Science was used as the appropriate tool for data analysis. Results were presented in tables. The study findings indicated that Work Breakdown Structure (r= 0.503, P- value < 0.01), Cost Breakdown Structure (r= 0.511, P- value < 0.01), Project Evaluation and Review Technique (r= 0.615, P- value < 0.01) were significantly associated to company performance. Further the regression the regression equation, Y = 0.485 + 0.137 (Work Breakdown Structure) + 0.142 (Cost Breakdown Structure) + 0.184 (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) showed that, holding Work Breakdown Structure, Cost Breakdown Structure and Project Evaluation and Review Technique to a constant zero, project performance would be 0.485. All the three independent variables were found to be important factors in enhancing better project performance. The study recommends that the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion should emphasize, Work Breakdown Structure, Cost Breakdown Structure and Project Evaluation and Review Techniques, as potential undertakings that could lead to improved performance.
Keywords: Project, Project planning tools, Project performance
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 1688 - 1695