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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
Counseling Effectivity Toward Knowledge and Behavior of Long-Term Contraception Maintenance Method Selection Among Fertile Age Women in Puskesmas Bahu Malalayang District In Manado City Indonesia
Sesca Diana Solang, Freike Sofie Nonce Lumy
Abstract: Bahu Community Health Center (Puskesmas Bahu) included in the city of Manado at 6601 WUS number of people, the number of 557 pregnant women with obstetric complications and an estimated 111 people, who have anemia in pregnancy 19 people. Total EFA 1957, the number of active family planning participants are 1875 (95.70 %), the number of acceptors in 1147 with a distribution using the IUD as many as 34 (2.96 %), MOP -, MOW - implant as many as 37 (3.22 %), condom 17 (1.48 %), injecting as much as in 1027 (89.53 %), the pill were 32 (2.78 %). This study aimed to age, education, occupation, contraceptive use, and contraceptive information, analyze the differences in knowledge of the Long Term Contraception Method (MKJP) fertile-age woman (WUS) before and after counseling and analyze the behavior of MKJP WUS before and after counseling. The study was Quasi Experimental with pre-test and post-test Non-Equivalent Control Group Design to measure the difference of Knowledge and Behavior of MKJP WUS before and after counseling with his use of the control group. The population is the entire WUS acceptors are currently using contraception amounted to 1875 people. Purposive sampling technique was conducted. Research analysis was univariate and bivariate analysis using T test for knowledge and behavior using McNemar test comparing before and after events and every object as the controller itself. There were differences in knowledge MKJP WUS before and after counseling (pvalue> 0.05) and no difference in voting behavior MKJP WUS before and after counseling (pvalue
Keywords: counseling, Knowledge, Behavior Selection MKJP
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017,
Pages: 1453 - 1455