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Comparative Studies | Physics Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
We Know Nothing after Having Known Much: A Documentary Re-Search Paper
Jamir Ahmed Choudhury
Abstract: We (mankind in general) are far from Manifest Truth (Class II standard verifiable & justifiable True Knowledge) due to Manifest Hypocrisy, Teleological Evidence Sorcery, Extreme Epistemic Persecution, and uninterrupted propagation of the Nexus of Self-evident Plagiarisms prevailing in the History of Epistemology. This paper places justifiable appeal for recognition and confirmation of the searched out Manifest Truths with reference to Infallible & Unerring Mandates. On the contrary, this documentary paper with reference to Kitaaba Wal-Hikmata or Manifested Nature and the Utility of Ones Upright Logic, published by Partridge Publishing India, 2016, is an Acid Test before International Scientific Soldiers (ISS) of Activism and Terrorism i. e. the Trinity of Manifest Hypocrites, Teleological Evidence Sorcerers, Extreme Epistemic Persecutors, and propagators of the Nexus of Self-evident Plagiarisms.
Keywords: Universe, World, Earth, Sole Magnetism, Trinity, Four Cardinal Directions
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017,
Pages: 645 - 654