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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Rating: 7 / 10
Image Decomposition & Compression using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Sub band Coding
Rimzim Dasondi | Pratibha Nagaich [2]
Abstract: Here in this paper we are suggesting a new image compression scheme by using an intensive scheme known as discrete wavelet transformation (DWT), which is based on attempting to preserve the texturally important image properties. The main aspect of the proposed methodology works on the principl that, the image is divided into regions of various significance employing pixels descriptors as criteria and fuzzy clustering methodologies. Wavelet compression is accomplished by decomposing the row and column of the image matrix using the Discrete Wavelet transform. The construction of decomposed the image is feasible just from 1/3th re-construction and the quality very much depends upon the nature the image. A Rapid and very effective histogram-based quantization method is applied to the decomposed image. More specifically, The DWT is applied separately to each and every region or pixel of image in which the original image is segmented and, depending on how it has been clearly clustered, its related number of all the wavelet coefficients are kept and then, determined. Different compression ratios are applied to the Specific Image. The reconstruction process of the original image involves the linear but complex combination of its corresponding reconstructed clusters. An experimental has been conducted to exactly assessing the proposed compression approach. Moreover, this research work aims at comparing different measures in terms of their results concerning the quality of the reconstructed image. of the decomposed image and even 1/10th
Keywords: Discrete Wavelet Transform, Haar Wavelet, Image Compression, Decomposition, Multiresolution Analysis
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014,
Pages: 605 - 609