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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 2, February 2014 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
Green Cloud: A Pocket-Level Simulator with On-Demand Protocol for Energy-Aware Cloud Data Centers
Anusuya, Krishnapriya
Abstract: Energy efficiency is an important aspect of Green Cloud and the Cloud data centers have huge impacts on it. Research scholars are seeking to find effective solutions to make data centers, reduce power consumption while keeping the desired quality of service or service level objectives such as workloads and connectivity. As the Cloud computing contributes in two ways. First, it plays a significant role in the reduction of data center energy consumption costs, and thus helps to develop a strong and competitive Cloud computing industry. Second, consumers are increasingly becoming conscious about the environment. This indicates that the energy utilized by computation and communication of Cloud data center, contributes a considerable slice of data center operational costs. Also, the Cloud data centers not only consume huge amount of energy but are also very complex in the performance. In the proposed system, the simulator is designed to capture details of the energy consumed by data center components as well as the pocket-level communication patterns in realistic setups. Here, we introduce the Ad-Hoc On-Demand or Reactive protocol to improve the performance of connectivity, workload management and energy efficiency of Cloud data centers. Hence, the protocol with aggregation method in order to reduce message replies in the network and energy consumption while transaction to increase the quick connection establishment. The results show that the discovery success rate and the message reduction to minimizing the energy consumption and boost the overall performance of Cloud data centers.
Keywords: AODV Protocol, Cloud service with Protocol, Energy-aware Cloud, Energy efficiency, Data center energy consumption, Green data centers
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 2, February 2014,
Pages: 10 - 16