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Research Paper | Physical Education | China | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Physical Exercise Self-Efficacy for College Students? Level of Motivation in Physical Activity
Samuel Joseph Bebeley, Yang Liu, Wu Yi-gang
Abstract: Background Physical activity is that aspect of public health education with determinant factors (i. e. personal, social and environmental) that deals with human kineticsof the musculoskeletal systems, which requires both energy or calorieintake and expenditurefor improvedand sustainablephysiological and psychosocial fitness, wellness and healthy lifestyle. This study onlyaimed at scoring the measured and evaluatedfactors underphysical exercise self-efficacy (PESE) for college students level of motivation in physical activity. Methods Physical Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale Questionnaire (PESESQ) was adopted as survey instrument. The variables were analyzed using IBM SPSSv.23 Statistics, with sampled participants ofN=500, mean and standard deviation (MSD) age of 28.59.5 ranged from 19-38yearswith a response rate of 100 %undergraduate students, selected usinga simple random sampling method. Results A significant difference was recorded and displayed regarding all scored and tested variables in the results with when I am busyscored highest [F = 9.540 with sig. (.002), t = -3.089 with 2-tailed sig. (.002)]and when I feel tense scored lowest [F =.013 with sig. (.909), t =.114 with 2-tailed sig. (.909)], in tables 5 & 6 respectively. The results were scored and tested @ significance level of p<0.05. Conclusion and Recommendation In conclusion, the greater majority of the overall participants responded more to I can manage to carry out my exercise intentions evenwhen I am busyunder physical exercise self-efficacy, meaningamidst all busy schedules including study pressure, respondents were determined to engage in physical activity. Recommendationwas made that, a mandatory course or programme in health and physical education or literacy be instituted to help educate the barriers of self-efficacy regarding physical activityfor all college students before graduation to help maximize the level of motivation in physical activity.
Keywords: Physical Education, Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Physical Activity
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017,
Pages: 81 - 85