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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Minimize Staleness and Stretch in Streaming Data Warehouses
S. M. Subhani, M. Nagendramma
Abstract: We study scheduling algorithms for loading data feeds into real time data warehouses, which are used in applications such as IP network monitoring, online financial trading, and credit card fraud detection. In these applications, the warehouse collects a large number of streaming data feeds that are generated by external sources and arrive asynchronously. We discuss update scheduling in streaming data warehouses, which combine the features of traditional data warehouses and data stream systems. In our setting, external sources push append-only data streams into the warehouse with a wide range of inter-arrival times. While traditional data warehouses are typically refreshed during downtimes, streaming warehouses are updated as new data arrive. In this paper we develop a theory of temporal consistency for stream warehouses that allows for multiple consistency levels. We model the streaming warehouse update problem as a scheduling problem, where jobs correspond to processes that load new data into tables, and whose objective is to minimize data staleness over time.
Keywords: Data warehouse maintenance, online scheduling
Edition: Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013,
Pages: 375 - 377