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Case Studies | Medicine Science | Morocco | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Ectopic Pelvic Kidney with Giant Hydronephrosis
Mohammed ASSEBAN | Adil MAZDAR | Hani ABOUSALEH | Hachem EL SAYEGH | Ali IKEN | Lounis BENSLIMANE | Yassine NOUINI
Abstract: Pelvic ectopic kidney associated with giant hydronephrosis is rare. It may be responsible for an extrinsic compression of adjacent structures. The authors report a case of giant hydronephrosis on a left pelvic ectopic kidney caused by obstructive lithiasis in a patient of 25 years. First ultrasound guided percutaneous nephrostomy allowed urinary drainage. Definitive treatment consisted in nephrolithotomy with removal of kidney stone. The outcome was favorable.
Keywords: Giant hydronephrosis, Etopic pelvic kidney, Uro-CT scan, Percutaneous nephrostomy, Prenatal diagnosis
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014,
Pages: 1382 - 1383