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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Behavioral Problems of Children among Primary School Teachers in Selected Schools, Gurugram, Haryana
Arushi Sharma, Surendra Sharma, Ibanirilin Ranee
Abstract: All young children behave badly from time to time, and occasional temper tantrums, aggression and defiance of authority are a normal part of growing up. Developing a consistent approach to diagnosis in the area of problem behavior is thus fraught with difficulty and not without controversy, since many problems or disorders are hard to define and assign to a single medical condition or syndrome. India has 375 million children, more than any other in the world. There are more children under the age of 14 and above 14 in India than the entire of USA. The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge and expressed practice regarding behavioral problems of children among primary school teachers and delivers a planned teaching programme. The results showed that in pretest maximum teachers had average knowledge (70 %) mean score was 13.73.25 regarding behavioral problems of children. In posttest good (98.3 %) knowledge and mean score was 26.361.84 regarding behavioral problems of children. t calculated value for knowledge (27.22) which is more than the tabulated value of 2.00 at 0.05 level of significance.
Keywords: Assess, Effectiveness, Knowledge, Planned Teaching Programme, Behavioral problems of children, primary School Teachers
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018,
Pages: 482 - 485