Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018: Page 5: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018: Page 5

Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 978 - 979

Bacterial Pathogens and Antibacterial Susceptibility Pattern of Isolates from Blood Culture - A Retrospective Study

Dr Shrikant Palekar, Dr Hemangi Walke-Palekar

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 980 - 984

Non Destructive Investigation of Heritage Masonry Monuments

Mahipal Burdak, D K Singhal

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Environmental Engineering, India

Pages: 985 - 989

Optimization Model for Integrated Solid Waste Management in Gurugram

Aakash Patel, Bharat Jhamnani

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 990 - 992

Micro Piling for Retrofitting of Structures-Case Studies

Mahipal Burdak, Amita

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 993 - 997

Effect of Family Physician Qualification on Patient Satisfaction in King Abdul-Aziz National Guard Hospital Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia 2017

Dr. Ahmad Khalid Al Khayyal, Dr. Abdullah Thamir Al Rasheed, Dr. Mohammed Al Jamaan

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 998 - 1002

Disaster Management Response Cycle in Context of Structural System and Elements

Mahipal Burdak

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1003 - 1007

Earthquake Resistant Design & Construction Provisions for Reinforced Concrete Structure

Mahipal Burdak

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Research Paper, Medical Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1008 - 1010

Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori in Wangaya Regional General Hospital Denpasar, Bali from January to December 2017

I Gede Komang Aditya Permana, Robert

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1011 - 1016

Cultural Acculturation of 1st Suro Traditional CeremonyIn Pamuksan Sri Aji Joyoboyo in Menang District of Kediri

Soni Wicaksono

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1017 - 1019

Batik Jarak Surabaya in Aesthetic Perspective

Budi Defri Kurniawati

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1020 - 1024

The Symbolic Meaning of Dance Equipment Seblang in Traditional Ceremony Seblang in Village Olehsari District Glagah, Banyuwangi

Yolandha Intan Pranitisari

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1025 - 1028

The Existence of Performance Art of Sandur in The Era Globalization

Hanindita Indira Suluh Pratiwi

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1029 - 1036

The Shift Function of Reog Bulkiyo in Kemloko Village of Nglegok Blitar

Muhammad Ahsin Maulana

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1037 - 1043

The Form of Presenting and Function of Dh?ngg?? Art in Pademawu Timur Village, Pademawu Subdistric, Pamekasan Regency

Faizur Rifqi

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Research Paper, Transport Studies, India

Pages: 1044 - 1048

Monsoon Oriented Seasonal Freight Density Operation of Railways and Rolling Motor Way

S. Ramamoorthi

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Research Paper, Geography Science, Sri Lanka

Pages: 1049 - 1057

Land Cover Changes and Land Degrading of a Fragile Environment due to Disasters: Reasons and Consequences (Special reference to Samasara Mountain area of Aranayaka, Sri Lanka)

Thanura Madusanka Silva, Dr. Nishan Sakalasooriya

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Medical Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1058 - 1060

Ambon Banana as an Alternative of Postpartum Blood Pressure Problems

Ardhita Listya Fitriani, Supriyana, Runjati

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Comparative Studies, Medical Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1061 - 1063

High-Dose Diuretic as Treatment of Refractory Ascites Compared with Paracentesis: An Evidence Based Case Report

Nicholas Wijayanto, I Made Suma Wirawan

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Review Papers, Pharmaceutical Science, India

Pages: 1064 - 1065

A Review on Medicinally Important Heterocyclic Compounds Derived from Schiff Bases

Zoobia, Jamal S.

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, Vietnam

Pages: 1066 - 1070

Regulated Power Gating Technique for PVT Variation-Tolerant SRAM in Data Retention Mode

Huan Minh Vo

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Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Tanzania

Pages: 1071 - 1076

Rural-Urban Linkages: Structure and Dynamics of Irish Potato Value Chain

Lukelo Roden Msese

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1077 - 1081

An Appraisal of Domestic Waste Management Practices and Operations in South Western Nigeria

Badaki J.A., Marcus H.T.

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Research Paper, Psychology Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1082 - 1085

Exposure to Tobacco Promotional Activities in South Western Nigeria-A Survey and Policy Implications

Olukayode ABAYOMI, Benjamin Adekunle EEGUNRANTI

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1086 - 1088

Development of Sports Sociology Learning Devices

Asep Suharta

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Review Papers, Economics, Malaysia

Pages: 1089 - 1094

Islamic Entrepreneurship: Emergence and State of the Art

Abdullah Hussein Harwan, Kalsom Abd. Wahab

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1095 - 1102

Implementation on Feature Selection for Image Segmentation

Aditi Tiwari, Rupali Bhartiya

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Research Paper, Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 1103 - 1108

Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Some Parameters Affecting Reverse Redrawing Process in Multi-Stage Deep Drawing during One Stroke

Dr. Waleed Khalid Jawad, Dr. Karem M-Aldarrajy, Abdullah Hamad Singal

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1109 - 1112

Women's Figure in Mufi Mubaroh's Two Works

Rizki Citra Arista

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1113 - 1117

Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Diamond Workers: A Survey in Ahmedabad City

Dr. Trupti Kavit Munshi (PT Rehab), Dr Surbhi Patel

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1118 - 1121

Textual Analysis of Sinongkelan Performance in Clean Ritual of Prambon Village Tugu District Trenggalek

Anugrah Octarianti

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Case Studies, Mechanics Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1122 - 1123

Sutureless and Glue Free Conjungtival Autograft in Pterygium Excision

Richardo R, Harumi PP

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Research Paper, Genetics, India

Pages: 1124 - 1126

Genetic Diversity for Yield and its Component Traits in Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek

S.P.S. Sirohi, Meenakshi Tyagi, Sandeep Sirohi

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Research Paper, Cardiology Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1127 - 1131

Woman with Acute Heart Failure et Causa Peripartum Cardiomyopathy - A Case Report

Fidiya Septi, Abaham Ali

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Research Paper, Engineering, Bangladesh

Pages: 1132 - 1136

Flood Mapping for Dharla River in Bangladesh using HEC-RAS 1D/2D Coupled Model

Indira Bose, Dr. Umme Kulsum Navera

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Case Studies, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 1137 - 1138

Lymphoepithelioma Like Carcinoma of Urinary Bladder - A Rare Case Report

Dr. Neeru Singhal, Dr. Neelu Gupta

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1139 - 1140

Modified Scheduling Service Workflow in Hybrid Cloud

Ekta Rai

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1141 - 1143

Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms for Real Time Cloud Computing

Sandip Kumar Vishwakarma

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 1144 - 1149

FT-Raman and FTIR Spectroscopic Investigation, First Hyper Polarizability, Homo-Lumo Analysis of P-Fluorobenzonitrile (PFBN)

S. Aslin, D. Usha, M.Amalnathan

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Research Paper, Economics, Indonesia

Pages: 1150 - 1157

Country Exposure Limit Modelling: Country Risk Approach

Selly Imanda

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Iraq

Pages: 1158 - 1162

Smart Irrigation System based on Client Server Method

Dr. Zaidoon Ahmad, Dr. Intisar Al-Mejibli, Hassan jabbar Hassan

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1163 - 1165

Enterolithiasis: An Unusual Cause of Acute Abdomen

Rajnish Meena, Rahul Kankhedia, Sachin Jhawer

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1166 - 1171

Efforts to Improve the Results of Students' Soccer Dribbling Learning with the Quantum Teaching Learning Model of XI Grade Private High School Students Tasik Raja Labuhanbatu Selatan Regency

Dicky Hendrawan, Ramadan Ginting, Muhammad Syaleh

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1172 - 1176

Basic Skills Profile for Tracing the Talent of Football Athletes aged 16-19 years in North Sumatra

Mahmuddin, Ratna Dewi

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1177 - 1183

Mitchondria Structure and the Intra-Mitochondrial ATP Formation Process

Liliana Puspa Sari, Deni Rahman Marpaung

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1184 - 1187

Relationship Between Optimism and Stress Coping on Students who are Completing the Thesis

Shavreni Oktadi Putri

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Research Paper, Occupational Therapy, India

Pages: 1188 - 1193

Effect of Life Review Reminiscence Activities on Depression and Self Esteem in Older Adults

Jabir A. K., R. Renuchitra, T. Jegadeesan

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1194 - 1196

Design and Development of "Speed Light" Saq Lighting and Training Equipment Digital Lighting Digitalization Based on Infra Red Motion Sensor

Amir Supriadi, Imran Akhmad, Rahma Dewi

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1197 - 1199

Increased Ability to Pass Down Volleyball through the Application of Play Methods

Basyaruddin Daulay

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Research Paper, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, Sudan

Pages: 1200 - 1205

Estimation of Pineal Gland Volume for Normal Adult Sudanese Using MRI

Mazin B. A. Hassib, M. E. M. Garelnabi, Ahmed B. A. Hassib, Suhaib Alameen

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Case Studies, Medical Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1206 - 1209

Gastric Erosion due to Hydrochloric Acid Ingestion

Ni Made Savitri Devi

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