Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018: Page 3: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018: Page 3

Research Paper, Dental Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 477 - 481

Courtesy in Utilization of Safety Procedures among Endodontic Staff' at Selected Dental Clinics-Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdllah Dhafer M Al Sahrani

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Research Paper, Finance, China

Pages: 482 - 485

Research on the Impact of New Urbanization and Financial Support System Leading by Internet Entrepreneurship

Sumin Zhang

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 486 - 488

Effect of Cadmium on the Axenic Growth and Phosphatase Activity of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi, Amanita muscaria and Laccaria ohiensis

K. Revathy

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Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, India

Pages: 489 - 492

Synthesis and Stability of Nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic Acid Mixed Ligand Complexes of Zn(II) and Cd(II) in Solution

M.A. Azaz Ahmed, Ambedkar Yedira, Wondalem Misganaw

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Research Paper, Business Management, Kenya

Pages: 493 - 497

Influence of Family Factors on Careers Choice among Secondary School Students in Kitui Central Sub County

Nyaribo Lilian Otwori, Dr. Sr. Sabina Mutisya, Dr. Sr. Florentina Ndeke

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Research Paper, Nursing, Nepal

Pages: 498 - 501

Stress Level and Coping Strategies among Infertile Woman Attending a Private Hospital

Alisha Shrestha, Priyambada Tiwari

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Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, India

Pages: 502 - 504

Commodity in Criminality

Parimala S

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Research Paper, Nutrition Science, Indonesia

Pages: 505 - 507

The Beneficial Effect of Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) and Black Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Bran Supplementation in Glycemic Improvement

Agustin Syamsianah, Siti Fatimah-Muis, Budi Widianarko

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Informative Article, Arts and Humanities, India

Pages: 508 - 510

Possibility of Green Marketing in New Era

Subymon S S

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 511 - 513

Customer Distinctiveness using Multi-Layer Clustering Approach

Prof. Madhavi Patil, Swati Rajput, Prachi Salve

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 514 - 518

A Study on Landuse/Land Cover change Detection and its Impacts on the Soil Quality of Nilachal (Kamakhya) Hills, Guwahati, Assam

Tanvi Hussain, Dulal C Goswami

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Medical Science, Indonesia

Pages: 519 - 521

Effect of Carica Papaya Linn on Changes in Ferritin Levels of Anemia Pregnant Women Who Consume Iron Tablets

Meirita Herawati, Imam Djamaluddin Mashoedi, Suharyo Hadisaputro

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Research Paper, Public Health Education, India

Pages: 522 - 530

A Decade of the National Health Mission: Full Immunization Coverage and Vaccine Preventable Diseases in India

Sowmya Thota, Dnyaneshee Dudhal

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Research Paper, Optics & Laser Technology, India

Pages: 531 - 535

Growth of Racemic Tartaric Acid Single Crystal and Characterization

M. Esthaku Peter, Mubarik Awel Hussan, Mukabha Hassen Mohammed, T. Gurumurthi

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Research Paper, Language Research, Iraq

Pages: 536 - 542

A Pragmatic Analysis of Impoliteness in Selected British Social Interviews

AbeerNaser Abbas, Ali Muhsin Al-Majdawi

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Research Paper, Forestry Science, India

Pages: 543 - 547

Acoustic and Thermal Behavior of Low Density Wheat Straw Particle Board

Kiran M C, Mamatha B S, Anand N, Prakash V, Narashimamurthy

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 548 - 551

Exclusive Breastfeeding Improvement Program Using Carica Papaya Leaf Extract on the Levels of Prolactin Hormones

Tina Endah Pratiwi, Ari Suwondo, Mardiyono

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Research Paper, Biochemistry, India

Pages: 552 - 555

Application of Crude Aqueous Solution as a Larvicidal and Antibacterial Agent Extracted from Coconut Shells

Rajendra G Prajapati, Dr. Satish S Kolte

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 556 - 558

Successful Endodontic Treatment of a Maxillary Permanent First Molar with Two Palatal Roots - A Case Report

Dr. Awad Alazmi, Dr. Ramy Reda Zakaria Ghaly, Dr. Naif Alrasheedi

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Research Paper, Information Technology, Ghana

Pages: 559 - 563

Examination of External and Internal Enablers of Organizational E-Readiness to Implement E-Commerce. A Study of Ghana's Financial Sector

Carlo K.M.H. Adadevoh, Benjamin Ntim

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, Indonesia

Pages: 564 - 567

Comorbidity and Delayed to Seek Medical Treatment as Risk Factors of Severe Pneumonia in Children at Sanglah General Hospital

Putu Siadi Purniti, Ida Bagus Subanada, Ayu Setyorini Mestika Mayangsari, Putu Verita Wulandari

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 568 - 572

Architectural Standards and State of Court of Recreation Course in the Schools of the Community of Likasi

Kisuba Wa Banza Alain, Mayaya Boy

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Research Paper, Anthropology Science, India

Pages: 573 - 577

Persistence and Reflective of Tribal Narratives on Art and Craft: A Curatorial Study on the Particularly Vulnerable Tribes of Odisha

Banita Behera

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Research Paper, Agriculture, India

Pages: 578 - 583

Genetic Variability in Tropical Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Botrytis) under the Plains of Southern Kerala

Shruthy O. N., Celine V. A.

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 584 - 589

The Relationship between the Use of Facebook Social Networks and Parental Social Support with Student Learning Motivation at SMP Islam Nurul Falah Karawang

Amalia, Dr. Ahmad Zubaidi

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Comparative Studies, Medicine and Dentistry, India

Pages: 590 - 596

An Endoscopic Approach to the Deviated Nasal Septum: A Prospective Study

Dr. Ramawatar Dayama, Dr. Siddharth Nirwan

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 597 - 61

A Fatal Outcome of Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis in Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Patient

Alkhamis Mohammed, Almomen Ali, Molani Fadel, Alhubail Rasheed

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Research Paper, Accounting, Tanzania

Pages: 602 - 604

Factors Influencing the Adoption of Accounting Information in Decision Making among Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania; A Case Study of Ecumenical Church Loan Fund Arusha

Mukirya Tumaini Massau, Dr. Samuel Obino Mokaya

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Research Paper, Occupational Therapy, India

Pages: 605 - 610

Effect of Assertiveness Training on Entry Level Paramedical Students

R. Renuchitra, T. Jegadeesan

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Research Paper, Medical Science, India

Pages: 611 - 613

CT Scan Evaluation of Anatomical Variations of Paranasal Sinuses in Patients with Complaints Related to Paranasal Sinuses-An Exploratory Study

Muhammed Shahab, Vinayaka U. S.

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Comparative Studies, Medical Science, India

Pages: 614 - 616

Comparative Study of 0.5% Centbucridine and 2% Lignocaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block for Upper Limb Surgeries

Dr. M. Shanmugasundaram, Dr. S. Senthilkumar

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Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, India

Pages: 617 - 619

Development and Quality Evaluation of Cookies Fortified with Flaxseed Flour

K. N. Lengure, Rajendra Kawade, Harshal Kale, Hari Kulal

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India

Pages: 620 - 623

A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Hand Washing among the Staff Nurses in Secondary Care Hospital, Karad

Trupti S. Bhosale, Ruksar Patel, Pavitra Patil, Rohini Yadav

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 624 - 628

Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive for Single-Phase Motor and its Application

Kashyap Pratap Lodhari

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 629 - 631

Effect of Neurophysiological Facilitation [NPF] of Respiration on Ventilation of Mechanically Ventilated Patients: An Experimental Study

Dr. Hardini Prajapati

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 632 - 634

Mental Health Status of Adolescents from Resettlement and Rehabilitation Village

A. Lakshmi Prakash, Dr. E. Manjuvani

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Research Paper, Medical Science, India

Pages: 635 - 638

Role of Nasya Karma and Dhoomapana Karma in Management of Tamaka Shwasa

Dr. Kanaka Lakshmi R, Dr. Vinay Kumar K N

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Research Paper, Occupational Therapy, India

Pages: 639 - 643

Effect of Group Therapy on Anxiety among Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

T. Jegadeesan, R. Renuchitra, Richu Joseph

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Research Paper, Industrial Engineering, India

Pages: 644 - 648

Simulation, Analysis and Implementation of 7 level Cascaded H Bridge MultiLevel Inverter

Aakash Suthar, Dr. Pramod S. Modi

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Research Paper, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 649 - 653

Histopathological Spectrum of Lesions of Palatine Tonsil - A 3 Year Study

Irmeen Manzoor, Siddhi Khandeparker, Maithili Kulkarni, Danish Andrabi

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Research Paper, Agricultural, India

Pages: 654 - 658

A Study on Technological Mitigation Strategies of Farmers to Overcome Drought Situations in Namakkal District

P. Sanjeevi, Dr. K. Mahandrakumar

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Research Paper, Geography Science, Nigeria

Pages: 659 - 675

Utility Mapping of GSM Mast within Damaturu Metropolis Yobe State, Nigeria

Dunoma U, Nguru A. I.

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Research Paper, History, Uzbekistan

Pages: 676 - 678

Some Reasoning to the Socio-Cultural Significanse of "Tarikhi Khumuli"

Mukhiddinova Mavzuna Sirojiddinqizi

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Research Paper, Economics, China

Pages: 679 - 684

Evolutionary Game Analysis of New Rural Financial Model under the Background of "Internet +"

Xueqi Zhang

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Research Paper, Management, Kenya

Pages: 685 - 690

Effect of Performance Appraisal on Organizational Performance

Peter Butali, David Njoroge

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Research Paper, Agriculture, India

Pages: 691 - 695

Assessment of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) Hybrids for Fruit Quality and Yield Characters in the Hill Region of Utttarkhand

Shivani Dhyani, A.C. Misra, Priyanka Verma

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Research Paper, Agriculture, India

Pages: 696 - 698

Character Association Study on Fruit Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Shivani Dhyani, Dhirendra Singh

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Research Paper, Microbial Ecology, Egypt

Pages: 699 - 711

Mitigation of Soil Salinity Stress by Salt-Tolerant Rhizobacteria and Saccharomycescerevisiae in Wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Dalal H. Alkhalifah, Ahmed I. Elsayed, Serag A Farag

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Research Paper, Urban and Rural Planning, India

Pages: 712 - 717

Perception, Use and Experience of Urban Open Spaces-Case Studies of Neighbourhood Public Parks in Nagpur

Archana Bele, Nikhil Wasade

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Research Paper, Occupational Therapy, India

Pages: 718 - 724

Effect of Motor Skills Acquisition Training on Gross Motor Skills of Autistic Children

R. Renuchitra, Dr. P. Nagalakshmi, P. Vasanthavel

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